Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tessarakonta -- Day 40

40th Day, Saturday, April 19, 2014

Charles Fillmore tells us that the 3 days Jesus lay in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea respresents the 3 steps in overcoming error – nonresistance, taking on Divine Activity, and fulfillment of the Divine Ideal into form.  Each of us must take these steps in our own unfoldment into Greater Good.

In our unfoldment, eventually we reach a point at which there seems to be no progress.  This, we should regard as “resting in God/Good.”  Continual visible progress is neither possible nor desirable.  Like a victorious army, the individual needs a time for consolidating one’s gains and for gathering new strength for future advance.  These periods of rest and renewal are useful in that they permit us to take stock of past progress and reconsecrate ourselves for the future.

The seeming fact that we are not always going forward does not imply that we must at times slip backward.  The Truth in us is never idle, but always quietly at work.

A degree of cleansing, a wiping out of false beliefs, has been accomplished.  By mentally reviewing our experiences, we recognize that nothing has really been destroyed, but rather transmuted.  Through faith, we take stock of the progress we have made and find that we are getting a consciousness of Radiant Substance and of a Higher Life.  Nothing is lost.  When our consciousness is raised to a higher plane, all that belongs to it are discovered there.

In reality the invisible cannot be seen, touched or comprehended by the outer sense; yet, in this Higher Realm, a great and might work is being accomplished.


AFFIRMATION:  I rest in the consciousness of Eternal Life and Strength, and I am made perfect.